San Jose, Calif.--February 11, 1992 - The AQUILA Network Products Division (ANPD) of ADI Systems, Inc., has just announced the release of LanExec, Vl.0, a hardware-independent, standards-based network management software program. LanExec, utilizing the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) MIB II and private MIB extensions, provides firms with small-to-medium sized LANs a cost-effective way to monitor, manage, and optimize their networks. "LanExec is targeted for LANs that range in size from five to 100 nodes," says Raymond Hou, Executive VP of ADI Systems, Inc. Despite the low cost of this SNMP manager, I think users will be pleasantly surprised by LanExec's power and flexibility. It provides effective management of coax-cabled Ethernet (since it doesn't require an intelligent hub) and 10BaseT LANs running Novell NetWare V3.x, V2.x, Lite or other network operating systems (NOS) that use the IPX protocol. LanExec also offers SNMP management for peer-to-peer, NetBIOS-based NOS's such as Artisoft's LANtastic." LanExec's SNMP agents support a variety of popular network adapters, including the Novell NE1000, NE2000, and its compatibles, as well as the 3COM 3C503 adapters and compatibles, due to the software's open architecture. LanExec also manages the AQUILA range of Ethernet controllers. This wide base of support allows LanExec to be immediately useful for installations that are already in place, without requiring that customers purchase proprietary hardware, including intelligent hubs, NICs or protocol processor boards. "Until now, most SNMP-based programs have addressed only large enterprise networks," claims Hou, "and such SNMP managers not only require costly intelligent hubs, but the software programs themselves are also quite expensive. But with LanExec, anyone running a NetWare or peer-to-peer PC LAN can have access to SNMP management. Since the majority of networks installed in the market are under 50 nodes and are coaxial cabled, LanExec provides an optimal, cost-effective solution to many firms without having to use expensive wiring hubs." For those installations that are wired for 10BaseT cabling, ADI has also just introduced a new single-slot, 13-port 10BaseT hub controller. This hub, the AQ-IHUB-12TP, is intelligent and manageable when used with LanExec and linked in the same PC to any one of the LanExec-supporting NICs. The hub and external console retail for just $999. LanExec's Windows-based graphical user interface and its comprehensive information database provides users with a sophisticated, yet easy-to-learn way to access, analyze, monitor, and manage their DOS-based LANs. LanExec's multiple windows and pull-down menus give users the following benefits: ù Installation maps that display the LAN installation, showing the positioning and connectivity of segments, servers, hubs, and workstations, and automatically connecting additional LAN devices on the map as they are entered into the database. ù A network map that presents the topology from different perspectives. ù Multiple-viewing capability of different LanExec functions (e.g., the network map, event log, SNMP data, packet analyzers, etc.) all on the same screen. ù Security protection, which requires a password to verify before proceeding forward into certain sensitive areas. Considerable detail is obtained from database information stored in LanExec, including identification and physical location of each workstation/server/hub, each network address, segment, hub name, port number, user-definable fields for network inventory tracking, and other information needed to track location of users and devices, review network status, and analyze performance trends. LanExec's diagnostics and performance monitoring features include: ù Auto-Polling for automatically pinging devices within the network map to test whether each workstation and hub is alive. A convenient time interval function can be set to constantly poll nodes. ù Auto-Detecting for detecting any device which is physically attached to your network, including devices not on the map. (This security feature notifies the user of the need to update the map as well as bring attention to the presence of any devices on the network that have not received authorization.) ù Packet Analyzer for giving the user additional assistance in troubleshooting and optimizing the network. (This packet analyzer feature supports SNMP, IPX, and NetBIOS protocols.) ù Network Statistics for monitoring the top seven nodes in terms of traffic. This is presented graphically in a bar chart. ù Node and Hub Diagnosis for analyzing and diagnosing traffic flows of SNMP-based information. The table below (to be updated in subsequent versions of LanExec), summarizes all that such diagnosis includes: LanExec has a range of reporting features that assists the user in identifying and correcting problems before they have a major negative impact on network performance. These features (to be updated in subsequent versions of LanExec) include the following: ù Event Logging, which records activities on the network as they occur, including Ping Success/Fail, Authentication Fail, and other activities. The event log entries are color coded so they can be easily recognized according to the activity that is taking place. ù List File for generating a report listing all the activities of a particular node. ù Thresholds for defining the maximum allowable number of Tx and Rx collisions, CRC and alignment errors, Fifo overruns, missed packets, carrier lost and receive volume overwrites before triggering a warning for the LAN administrator. The thresholds are color-coded to show normal operation and when a threshold is being exceeded. ù Fault Condition Analysis, produced in real-time and displayed on the network map to indicate where a problem condition exists. ù Restore Function, a reset function to restore the problem devices, including NICs and hubs to normal network condition. ADI will continue to enhance LanExec. Development is underway to include in future releases a server monitor mode to provide system, volumes, and connections information on servers, in addition to support for bridge monitoring and other network operating system protocols. LanExec, which includes the SNMP Manager, SNMP Agents, and User's Documentation, is available in four configurations and is list priced at $199 for the 5-user configuration, $499 for the 20-user configuration, $799 for the 50-user configuration, and $999 for the 100-user configuration. While LanExec, Vl.0, provides support for AQUILA, Novell, 3Com NICs, and their compatibles, future versions will manage other NICs, including Western Digital's. "By offering several configurations based on the number of users, we've made LanExec a much better value," claims Hou. "We think one of the reasons network management has been out of the reach of smaller LAN users is that it's not cost justified to purchase an expensive program designed and priced to handle 500 nodes when all you really need is to manage 50." To heighten the awareness of LanExec and to minimize any economic risk for the network administrator, ADI has established a special limited-time promotion by offering its 5-user configuration for just $99.99 and providing a 30-day money-back guarantee. Additionally, ADI will provide free updates for the V1.0 release of LanExec to all registered end-users for a period of one-year from the date of purchase. If users later decide to upgrade to a larger configuration, they need only pay the difference in list price. The LanExec, V1.0, from ADI Systems is the newest product from the AQUILA Network Products Division of ADI Systems, Inc.--established about two years ago to service the growing needs of LAN users. ANPD expanded its network connectivity line by selectively merging certain products from Aquila Communications to complete its own 10BaseT offerings. This division now carries a complete line of Ethernet and ARCnet controllers and hubs, and has planned several new product introductions for 1992. It will be emphasizing intelligent SNMP-based network management of 10BaseT and coax Ethernet solutions optimized for use with Novell NetWare and NetBIOS-based operating systems. All ANPD R & D, design, and manufacturing is done in the U.S. Additionally, worldwide marketing, sales, customer support, and service are coordinated from the division's Silicon Valley facility. ANPD is marketing its product lines through distributors worldwide as well as to selected OEM accounts. It is currently looking for additional qualified resellers to expand its global distribution network. ADI Systems, Inc. specializes in advanced technologies for computer display monitors, LAN controllers and network management connectivity, personal computers, and IBM plug-compatible terminals. Founded in 1979, ADI Corporation, the parent company of ADI Systems, Inc. surpassed $155 million in sales for 1991. ADI is headquartered in Taiwan, with international operations in the Netherlands, Thailand, Taipei, Taichung, and with U.S. operations located in San Jose, California-- headquarters for ADI Systems, Inc.--as well as a branch office in New Jersey. ADI Systems Inc, 2115 Ringwood Ave, San Jose, CA 95131 408-944-0100 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | From the America On-Line & PC-Link New Product Info Services | +===============================================================+ | This information was processed with OmniPage Professional OCR | | software (from Caere Corp) & a Canon IX-30 scanner from data | | provided by the above mentioned company. For additional info, | | contact the company at the address or phone# indicated above. | | All submissions for this service should be addressed to | | BAKER ENTERPRISES, 20 Ferro Drive, Sewell, NJ 08080 U.S.A. | +---------------------------------------------------------------+